I’m a poet, etc

Select work: Flag; chapbooks via g l o s s and Belladonna* Collaborative; poems in Flag + Void, Poetry Project newsletter, Apogee, the Arkansas International, BOMB, TriQuarterly, midst, Poetry, Annulet, Paris Review; collaborations with S*an D. Henry-Smith (1, 2, 3, 4); audio piece programmed by Janelle Ayana Miller


Imani Elizabeth Jackson is a poet from Chicago. Her writings appear in Apogee, BOMB, TriQuarterly, Annulet, and elsewhere. She is the recipient of a 2023 National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship, Futurepoem’s 2020 Other Futures Award, the Arkansas International’s inaugural C.D. Wright Award (selected by Hanif Abdurraqib), and several awards from Brown University. Under the name mouthfeel, she co-authored the poetry-cookbook Consider the Tongue (2019) with S*an D. Henry-Smith; she also contributed to Francesca Capone’s Weaving Language: Lexicon (Essay Press, 2022). She is the author of the chapbooks saltsitting (reissued by g l o s s, 2020) and Context for arboreal exchanges (Belladonna*, 2023) and the book Flag (Futurepoem, 2024). Imani also collaborates with Madeleine Le Cesne and Isra Rene as donk, an experimental kitchen.


Email: imaniejxn @ gmail for a chat or any query
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